+420 222 517 466

Environmental law

Environmental law

Do you do business in waste management? Do you need to get an integrated permit? Or are you simply interested in legal protection of the environment?

In the field of environmental law, we mainly provide the following legal services:

  • we deal with everything that concerns of the Waste Act, EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control), return of products
  • integrated IPPC permit (sets binding conditions for the operation of the permitted facility with regard to the protection of the environment as a whole; the conditions relate to all components of the environment on which the operation of the permitted facility may have a negative impact) - prepares documents and helps clients with demanding permit procedures
  • environmental impact assessment (EIA) assessment of the effects of the project on the environment is based on the examination and assessment of its possible impact on the environment. The goal is to find out, describe and evaluate the expected effects of the planned project on the environment and public health - it prepares documents and advises clients on how to make the whole process as easy as possible
  • we represent or advise in proceedings initiated by the relevant administrative authorities (fines awarded by ČIŽP, MŽP and others),
  • water law – especially in connection with water management business, we advise clients on how to proceed in accordance with laws on the protection of water and aquatic ecosystems

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Law firm Vych and partners