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Legal advice in the supply of infrastructure services

Legal advice in the supply of infrastructure services

Are you a smaller or larger company engaged in business in the field of water or waste management? Or is your field of study energy and you need any legal help? We are here for you! As lawyers, we have extensive experience in these areas of business and we would be happy to share them with you and move your business in the right direction. In the Law Firm of the Year 2022 competition, we became a recommended office in the field of energy and energy projects!

In this area, we mainly deal with the following:

  • consulting in the field of water management law (Act on Water Supply and Sewerage, Water Act) – we provide legal advice to water management companies (smaller or larger), negotiate with water authorities or prepare documents for applications for subsidies
  • consulting in the field of waste management law – we deal with everything related to the Waste Act, EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) and other related regulations, we represent or advise in proceedings initiated by the relevant administrative authorities (fines issued by the ČIŽP, the Ministry of the Environment and others)
  • consulting in the field of energy law (heating industry, electricity, gas industry, energy law) – we provide legal advice to clients from the ranks of manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and intermediaries in the energy sector, we communicate with the Energy Regulatory Office, we prepare documents for obtaining licenses (licences for trading in electricity and gas, licenses for the production of electricity, gas and thermal energy and licenses for transmission of electricity, gas transportation, distribution of electricity and gas, gas storage, heating energy distribution and licenses for the activities of the market operator), where applicable, we also help with their processing
  • representation before administrative authorities – we act on behalf of clients with water authorities, the Czech Environmental Inspection, the Ministry of the Environment, the State Energy Inspection and others

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Law firm Vych and partners